
This website (the “Website”) is satire and is intended solely to provide lulz and entertainment for PepeCoin gigabrains (together with their affiliates, Pepechain Capital,” “we,” “our,” or “us”).

Nothing on the Website is directed at or should be relied upon by any meme lords or prospective meme lords in any vehicle managed by Pepechain Capital. Pepechain Capital does not intend to solicit or make its dank meme advisory services available to cucks. Under no circumstances should any information provided on this Website be considered as an offer soliciting the purchase or sale of any Rare Pepe or interest in any meme investment vehicle sponsored by Pepechain Capital nor should it be construed as an offer to provide dank meme advisory services. Such offers or solicitations will be made separately and only by means of the rare meme documents of the specific meme investment vehicles which should be memed in their entirety, and only to those who, among other requirements, have a deep understanding of meme culture.

Any rare Pepe or meme companies described or referred to on this Website are representative of all memes cherished by PepeCoin gigabrains and managed by Pepechain Capital and there is full assurance that the memes described are, or will be, the dankest.